Saturday, October 21, 2006

Getting Ready for No Coast Craft-o-rama

I'm getting really excited...No Coast is only 41 (OMIGOD! FORTY ONE! THE BIG FOUR ONE!) days away! Here at headquarters we've been cranking out some awesome Pumpkin Girl wares, like room and linen spray, grocery lists, and yes...Christmas cards. Here's a couple new designs to pique your interest!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thanks RunAmok!

I just want to say thanks to my friend Run Amok for introducing me to WISTS! These are the coolest little things ever. Basically, you download a button onto your internet browser so that you can add an item to your wish list from anywhere on the internet. And, you can find really cool things on other people's wists!

So, in case you were thinking about buying me a gift for my 30th birthday (in just over a month!!) you can see my wist right here:

Tracy's Wist

Monday, October 02, 2006

Cat People vs. Dog People

There are very few people I know that love all animals equally (my grandma was one of them). Most of us either gravitate to dogs or cats (or llamas, in the case of my hubby). My business partner has always been a cat person; however, her friendship with me has endeared her to my two miniature schnauzers. Even so, she is still a cat lover.

This photo is one of her family's cats, done up Warhol-style (sort of). I think it turned our pretty darn cute. Maybe she can turn me into a cat person...?