May is the time of year when I love to garden. There aren't any mosquitos, the garden is new and fresh, and few weeds are popping up for me to pull. It's easy. I just wander around out there inspecting the progress, not really doing much hard labor. But come mid-June, I'm done. I don't want anything to do with sweating, bugs or pulling weeds. That's for the hired help. Only I don't hire any help. I just let the whole thing go wild. So far, with the help of mulch, it's going pretty well. I had to learn the hard way that coco-shell mulch is a no-no if you have dogs (mine eat it, do yours?), but other than that, it's a pretty smooth ride through summer.
This year, I threw in a few veggies like I usually do. I also grabbed all the seeds I had stashed away in past years and planted them all. Every single one. Like 8 or 10 different things in random places. It's the chaos theory of gardening. Any small little change to the garden environment (in this case, a pretty big one) will have a huge affect. Right? My garden will be wonderous and lush and full of a variety of flowers and edibles?
Let's not wake Pumpkin Girl from her dream state. She hasn't yet realized that in two weeks she'll have a garden full of "stuff" coming up through the ground with no idea what is a weed and what is a precious seedling. But who cares, none of it will be weeded! Bah! Weeding schmeeding! I have gin and tonics to drink on the patio, after all!
Anyway, I have enough rhubard to bake 72 rhubarb crisps, so if you want any, lemme know. It's REALLY going crazy this year.
What's growing in your yard?
I'm a like-minded gardener. I'll be throwing my hands up in despair in another month or two. Right now I"m savoring the little spinach sprouts that are popping up and looking forward to rhubarb pie.
mushrooms and weeds. I suck and kill everything.
I am envious, we have rain, we have nats and more nats, we have misquetos and will have more and more of them as the river is high and everything that can flood is flooded...
But most of my garden is planted, my flowerbeds are growing, the grass and weeds need mowed but will live until I get dry weather...
And the knitting makes slow progress, but at least I make progress...
Want some rhubarb...
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