Monday, December 31, 2007

Beat THAT, 2008!

Photo by Friendly Made

Wow, hard to believe it's been 365 days since we did this last year. 2007 was wild. As I sit here in my pajamas at 8 PM on the biggest partying night of the year, I can honestly say I feel like a rockin' party animal, living life to the fullest. Let's recap, shall we? Top 10 Rock Star Things That Happened to Me in 2007 in Semi-Chronological-But-Also-Sort-of-Ranked-by-Importance:

10. Took a Babymoon to Charleston. No, "babymoon" is not a word I invented. Look it up.
9. Planned and attended my first "crafty retreat" in Red Wing, MN with a bunch of amazing and craftastic women.
8. Visited Atlanta for the first time. The traffic is insane. There are a ton of cute, quirky places to check out, and some of the homes are amazing to see.
7. Went to my good friend Ellen's wedding, in which we partied like crazy out on the lake. I donned the groom's mother's 60's maternity swimsuit and enjoyed it very much.
6. Planned and participated in the 2007 No Coast Craft-o-rama at the Midtown Global Market. With over 8,000 attendees and 100 vendors, it was a huge sucess!
5. Went to my sweet sister-in-law's wedding in Arizona and basked in the warm October sunshine for a few days.
4. Learned what it feels like to have a baby squirm in your belly. And get hiccups.
3. Crafted like a madwoman, inspired (possessed/obsessed) by all the great blogs I read, Flickr, etc.
2. Laughed and enjoyed friends and family immensely
1. Gave birth to my Little Pumpkin, the absolute sweetest little thing I have ever laid eyes and arms on. My obsessive nightime checking on him is driven by my complete lack of comprehension at how I could be so lucky to have this life.

So, beat that 2008! I dare ya!

Have a very safe and happy new year! Rock it out for me! I'll be here in my jammies!

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