Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hello, Jack

I found this beautiful flower growing in my parents back yard. Isn't it lovely and green and peacefulquiet looking? Ahh...

I just wanted to share that with you, because I don't see too many of these little guys around. I thought about transplanting one to my house, but jeez he just looks darn at home here in his little woodland paridise. This is a Jack in the Pulpit flower, which according to wikipedia has some interesting medicinal uses, and may also make you very sick or die. So DON'T EAT IT! And DON'T LET YOUR DOG EAT IT!


Jen said...

I remember finding these in the Elvehjem park across the street from our house on Painted Post. I don't think I've seen one since!

Laura said...

You KNOW that if I brought this flower into my home, one of my children would eat it!!!!

Thanks for commenting on my blog...can I ask, how did you find me????

Vintage Tracy said...

Laura -- I found you by your comments on SouleMama's blog. I have to say, I've never followed that path from someone's comments to someone's blogs (nor do I often read the comments) but I'm glad I did!! Love your blog!