These are from one of my favorite corners of the house. We took an antique birdcage and put a little planter inside. And a friend of Mr.Pumpkin's made this great motorcycle rider out of (I think) some old vacuum cleaner parts. Now that the Christmas tree is down these guys aren't being squished and outshined. I love how they are weathered and worn looking. Like they have a story to tell. Now hopefully that poor sickly plant comes back to life...
Not much else to tell in my world. I've had a busy week at work, and my cubicle is still tan and still tedious. I wish I could be home playing with Baby Pumpkin, but it's not in the cards for me. I know he's in good hands at home with his daddy. Speaking of which, I am going to sign up Baby and Daddy for "Sea Turtles" swimming class at the YMCA. Anyone have any experience with babies and swimming? I think that they could both use some interaction outside of each other, so hopefully it will work out. There's a new class starting at the end of February, so just in time for real serious cabin fever to set in. Perfect! Anyone know of any stay at home dad playgroups in the Twin Cities area?
Sea turtles sounds fun. Pretty soon I'm gonna look like one.
I just stumbled upon this so its a bit late but, check out Another great resource for TC parents in general is
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