Thursday, July 24, 2008

Using up Scraps: Fabric Hair Pins

Looking for a really simple way to use up every last scrap of fabric? Make some fabric covered buttons, and turn them into bobby pins, magnets, push pins, any number of great uses (besides the obvious use as a button!).

I purchased a kit from Tobysmom on Etsy that helps push the fabric onto the button nicely. You can do it by hand but it isn't as easy or as clean looking. Here are the easy steps to making your own:
1. To cut out the perfect fabric circles, I used the lid of a baby food jar.
2. Then, using a needle-nose pliers, I pulled the little loop off the button back (don't do this if you plan to use the button as a button!)
3. Next, I covered the button with the fabric circle.
4. Finally, I used Gorilla Glue to glue the fabric covered button onto a nice sturdy bobby pin, which I also purchased on Etsy, from KikisKlippies.

To complete the etsy circle, I'm now selling these on etsy. My primary motivator to make these, though, is that I HATE throwing away fabric scraps, no matter how small. I also wanted to have some fun things ready for No Coast Craft-o-rama this winter. I'm also going to make some smaller bobbies, so stay tuned for that.

What other cool things can you do with these fabric buttons? The possibilities seem endless!


Jen said...

So cute! Thanks for the tutorial. I mainly use scraps for testing out the tension on my sewing machine. Nothing that turns into a nice little something-something.

Laura said...

oh, so many things to do with those! shoes, rings, headbands, cat!
hey, did the first bday happen already?? I am guessing not, since there have been no pics...