I have no idea why I would not buy the house that contains this awesome bar in the basement. It's a WORKING wet bar. Do you see the playing card floor tiles? This is such a typical Midwestern basement that I need it to be all mine so I can invite the girls over for Brandy Manhattan's and a game of Bridge. OMG.
So huge fights were breaking out over my giveaway handmade Christmas stocking in July, but the out and out winner is Laura. If you haven't read her Christmas memory comment yet, you should. And then check out her blog because it's very very funny and she talks about her vagina. Well, not her vagina exactly, but sort of. Trust me. Any woman with 486 children has some stories to tell. Congrats Laura! I need your address so I can send you the goodies!!! Not to worry if you didn't win, I'll have more goodies in honor of my blogiversary later on.
In other news, if you are in and around my 'hood Columbia Heights tomorrow, we're having a garage sale. Come buy my junk so I don't have to move it in my eventual move (sometime in the year 2077).
That floor is insane! I'm going to go home tonight and have a talk with my painted cement basement floor about being more awesome - for reals!
I NEVER WIN ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! This must be my lucky day!!!!!!!!!!
e mail me LNPhelps@sbcglobal.net for my address
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